Verify income & employment
Instantly confirm your customers’ current income and employment status with their payroll provider.
Know your information is always up to date with ongoing payroll provider data visibility and change notifications
Know your information is always up to date with ongoing payroll provider data visibility and change notifications
Instantly confirm your customers’ current income and employment status with their payroll provider.
Check that you are the recipient of customers’ direct deposit allocation to guarantee reimbursement.
Access historical cash flows to qualify customers’ cash advance amounts.
Instantly confirm your customers’ current income and employment status with the source of truth - their payroll provider.
Confirm you will be receiving customers' direct deposit to guarantee repayment.
Access historical cash flows to qualify customers’ cash advance limits.
of consumers said they would use EWA if their credit union or bank offered it
By requiring a direct deposit to qualify for earned wage access, you create a powerful incentive for customers to make a deposit switch
of consumers said they would use EWA if their credit union or bank offered it
By requiring a direct deposit to qualify for earned wage access, you create a powerful incentive for customers to make a deposit switch
Earned wage access (EWA) has helped consumer finance companies to become the primary financial account by leveraging a powerful incentive. Download this guide to learn the basics of EWA, along with best practices for implementation, risk reduction, and data accuracy.
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